quarta-feira, 5 de setembro de 2012

Notícia sobre "promessa" de mudança no processo de imigração

Alor mes amis...
Estava eu (Tiago) conversando com uma amiga de imigração no skype e eis que ela me manda um link de uma matéria que saiu no jornal Montreal Gazette.
A notícia fala sobre uma "possível" mudança no processo de imigração, mas sei lá, como ainda é só uma reportagem de jornal, que graças a Deus não contém datas para acontecerem, isso me deixa um pouco mais "aliviado". Mas mesmo assim, vou colocar aqui pra vocês lerem e interpretarem:

" MONTREAL - The Parti Québécois would change immigration criteria to favour people who already use French as their main language and draw up a plan to keep young families on the island of Montreal, Rosemont candidate Jean-François Lisée said Wednesday.
The future of the French language is at risk because of a steady decline in the number of people on the island of Montreal who use it as their main language, Lisée said, citing statistics from the Office québécois de la langue française showing the number of people who speak French at home dropped from 61 per cent in 1971 to 54 per cent in 2006. If nothing is done, Lisée said, it could drop to 47 per cent in less than 20 years.
“The weakening of the francophone majority imperils the ability of new arrivals to integrate in French in the city, and makes the future of the French language extremely fragile,” said Lisée, a former journalist and adviser who worked with former premiers Jacques Parizeau and Lucien Bouchard.
Would-be immigrants to Quebec would have to answer a question on their application forms about what language they use in daily life, Lisée said at a news conference where he was accompanied by several Montreal-area PQ candidates.
“If you are an immigration candidate from Shanghai, and said you knew French, you would be treated the same as an immigration candidate from Bordeaux, who said that they knew French,” Lisée said of current immigration practice. “The question was never asked to find out whether they live in French.”
The question would apply to new immigrants, Lisée said, adding that the use of French would be one of many criteria taken into consideration in an immigration application.
“Immigrants who are already here are not responsible for the decline of the French language, nor is the anglophone community responsible for the decline of French in Montreal,” Lisée said. “It is because of immigration policies that were applied carelessly in the past, and we will apply them carefully to reverse the trends that are endangering French in Montreal.”
The PQ would also set up a ministerial committee that in the first year of a PQ government would come up with an action plan aimed at creating a majority-francophone Montreal, Lisée said.
The plan would attempt to reverse the flow of young families — especially francophone families — from leaving the island of Montreal, Lisée said.
The action plan would support municipalities such as Montreal, which has already mounted an aggressive campaign to try to keep young families in the city. It could include paying part of the cost of decontaminating land that could be used for housing, and increasing the amount of affordable housing on the island, Lisée said.
“We want to come up with ways that will make the decision to leave Montreal much more difficult,” he said."

Para verem a notícia original, podem clicar no link a seguir: http://www.montrealgazette.com/life/wants+immigrants+already+speak+French/7164238/story.html

Não sei se faria algum sentido essa restrição visto o quanto o mercado de trabalho canadense precisa de imigrantes, mas o que podemos fazer é aguardar e ver se isso realmente irá acontecer. Espero que se isso realmente for acontecer, que seja depois de março/2013, mas na boa, não acho que seria a melhor alternativa para poderem "salvar" o idioma francês da regial de Quebec.

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